Help Meir Panim
to feed thousands
of needy families
and children this holiday.
You donation will give them
a true sense of "Freedom"
this Passover

· 10,000 Food Cards distributed to needy families, enabling them to purchase food and other necessary items for Passover.
· 2,500 Participants in Seders that Meir Panim organizes in hotels and synagogues for needy families. These seders are conducted in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
  • 2,400 needy people (including families and elderly) receive hot meals daily at our 14 free restaurants!
  • 5,000 hot lunches are distributed daily to hungry school children!
  • 1,200 Meals-On-Wheels are delivered daily to the elderly and handicapped!
  • 16,000 food shopping cards are distributed annually!
Call Toll Free:
1-877-7-DONATE  (736.6283)
5316 New Utrecht Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219
American Friends of Meir Panim is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization.
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.  Tax ID # 20-1582478